Original Antique
Label Art
Original Antique Label Art


Product Details
the top sheet to this label reads:he cigar label reads as follows:In April 1782 Governor Neve, with sixty soldiers, arrived at Santa Barbara, thirty miles west by north of the new Ventura, so named, and built a residio for the military protection of the Mission, near the beach, which here curves to make a small bay. It was not until Decembert 15, 1786, however, that this in many respects the most picturesque of all the Missions , was actually founded. For several years, additional buildings were erected, and at last, in 1794 a large church completed the grou of Mission buildings. Santa Barbar was at one time the most prosperous of the chain of Missions, and tis wealth was unscrupulouly preyed upon by those in power in Spain. Later, under Mexican rule, this practice was persisted in with such vigor that the padres, after futile appeals to both church and the state for protection, were driven almost to desperation and thieir wards, the indians, reduced to abject poverty. This Mission is in a better state of preservation than any of the other founded in California, and regular services are held there. An escellent school is maintained , as well.

NOTElabel has 15 Cent overprint rather than 40 Cent
Quality: Excellent
Topics: Americana
Company:  St.Elmo Cigar Company
City:  Los Angeles
State:  ca
Size:  6"x9.5"
Price: $30.00